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Original zord footage

edited February 2012 in General Discussion
Hey everyone.

I just wanted to know what everyone thinks of the original zord footage that we sometimes get in Power Rangers.

In case people don't know what I mean, I mean it's exclusive footage that is shot for Power Rangers.

Here's some examples.

Thunder Megazord vs Tigerzord in Season 2's "Best Man for the Job"
Megazord & Tigerzord vs Repellator
Megazord & Tigerzord vs Rito
Shogunzords vs Sinister Simian
Pyramidas vs Barox/Varox
Turbo Megazord vs Maligore
Mega Winger vs V-fighters
Megazords, Mega V and Mega W vs the asteroid
Astro & Galaxy Megazords vs Psycho Pink


  • your wrong about the megazord and tigerzord vs rito if you pay attention carefully,the attacks from both parties dont actually hit eachother and rito and the zords are never on screen at the same time, that fight uses spliced footage from dairanger and kakuranger.
  • edited February 2012
    No, I'm not wrong. It is new footage but they do splice some Japanese footage together. and yes, they are sometimes on the same screen at the same time. You need to watch the episode again and actually pay attention yourself.

    Here's some proof. These are pictures that I took myself while watching the episode months ago. Rangers/Episode116.html
  • i need to pay attention to myself what? how did i not? all i did was state from memory what i thought to be acurate, and yes i couldve watched it again, but that doesnt mean that i wasnt paying attention to myself.
  • edited February 2012
    That's true, it's possible you couldn't remember entirely. I had recently watched the episode not that long ago and I was paying as close attention as possible to every single shot in the ep.

    Hope I didn't sound too harsh. Didn't mean to be.
  • Its cool, no hard feelings
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