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Questions about the Power Rangers TV show



  • How did Darkonda gain 9 lives?
  • @vgiannell5
    "Darkonda was granted 9 lives by Dark Specter"
  • Did Zordon predict that the Zeo powers wouldn't be enough to defeat Maligore?
  • @vgiannell5 Zordon is a wise being. He knew much, as demonstrated over the years we got to know him in the 90's.
    The Zeo powers grow stronger over time, and the Zero Crystal has existed for many centuries, so it'd have an incredible amount of power. The fact that Zordon thought that the Zeo powers "would not be enough to stop them" ("them" being the combined forces of Divatox and Maligore if they were to marry as was planned).
    Maligore was a very powerful monster, which the Power Rangers were only able to destroy using the Turbo Megazord. Divatox was a space pirate with vast resources, even prior to becoming a primary villain with an army in the series. Put two very dangerous, but different things together, and you get an even more dangerous force.
    It's clear that Zordon is aware of Maligore's evil and power. I don't know how much he knew about Divatox. It's also unclear how much of the Zeo powers could be granted to the Power Rangers through technology, but Zordon's words make it clear that whatever amount they had would not be enough to take on Divatox and Maligore together. Luckily, it seems that like Iron-Man and Batman, the Rangers and their allies are constantly looking for ways to make Power Rangers stronger and better.
  • edited April 2020
    Did Zordon predict his own death before he was captured by Dark Specter?
  • @vgiannell5 I doubt that he could predict such an event. He is wise, but he cannot foretell the future. I think that on the day of Countdown to Destruction, when he saw what was happening throughout the universe through the screens Astronema was using to watch, that's when he realized the magnitude of this evil plot being enacted and that it would take a power greater than all the Rangers active at the time combined to stop Dark Specter's evil army for good, the power held within the energy tube that held Zordon captive while his energy was being drained.
    Maybe if there were as many Rangers back then as there were during Megaforce's Legendary Battle, or as there are now, then maybe there would've been a better chance of beating the United Alliance of Evil without Zordon's sacrifice.
    Zordon saw the reality of the situation and made a decision when the opportunity presented itself, just as any of us would if were in his shoes or any other dangerous situation.
    Prior to being captured, it is unlikely that Zordon would've known he'd die. I bet he had full confidence that the Power Rangers or someone good would Dark Spector, Astronema, and the other villains, until he saw the final plan and its devastation.
  • How long has the "Galaxy Warriors" intergalactic game show been around?
  • @vgiannell5 that is truly a tough question to answer.
    We know that Galvanax had been using Galaxy Warriors as a means of getting the Ninja Power Stars out of the Ninja Nexus Prism for 10 years prior to having to deal with the Ninja Steel Rangers. We also know that Galvanax was a Galaxy Warriors contestant himself, champion even. Mick said that he had been sold to Galvanax more than two decades prior to the start of the Ninja Steel adventures. As it's been stated before, the aliens on Power Rangers can live anywhere up to millions of years.
    I believe that the Galaxy Warriors was on intergalactic television long before Galvanax came to Earth looking for the prism, fought Dane Romero, and kidnapped Brody. Galvanax was probably a contestant who became champion, became the producer of the show, then heard about the Ninja Nexus Prism and its powers, and began a long pursuit of the prism as it flew through space.
    The show could be anywhere from a few decades, a century or several, to maybe a thousand or so years.
  • Why didn't Ransik figure out that the Cyclobots he was using were the creations of the human scientist he thought he killed or that Frax was what remained of him?
  • @vgiannell5 that is something many have speculated about for years.

    Some say that Ransik not only stole the serum from Dr. Fericks, but the Cyclobots or their designs as well, and later had Frax build them off of that.

    Maybe Ransik met Frax on the streets and figured he was a masterless creation of Fericks', made him his servant (so he thought), and had him build the same robots Dr Fericks built.

    That is a great question, but sadly we may never know the true answer. All we can do is speculate.
  • edited December 2020
    Were Flurious and Moltor really humans or human-like aliens?
  • edited June 2020
    @vgiannell5 they have been addressed many times as being human. Even Moltor himself said it. That makes sense as Andros from PRIS said that humans are born in more places than just Earth. All it takes is the correct environment for humans to exist. Flurious and Moltor were humans who were born on a planet on the other side of the universe, a millennia ago. Given that, their culture and learning can be different from Earths', which was demonstrated by them throughout the season.
    Andros, Zane, Maya were humans from another planet, Just like Flurious and Moltor
    Trey of Triforia, Trip, Tyzonn, were human-like aliens, like Heckyl from Dino Charge.
    Orion from Megaforce has never really been confirmed. He is from another planet, but we didn't get classification like the others did.
  • What did Darkonda hope to gain by making Astronema learn she was Andros' sister, Karone?
  • If I recall correctly, and by my theory, I believe that by letting Astronema learn who she truly was, she would eventually lose her position in the UAE (which is what happened since she chose to join the Power Rangers and help them). With Astronema out of the way, Darkonda became Dark Spector's top general (especially since Ecliptor also betrayed Dark Spector to allow Astronema to escape with the Power Rangers because she was like a daughter to him).
    Darkonda always does something to benefit himself, even including manipulation and treason. He was simply out to gain power in any way he could. Look at some of his past actions: merging with Ecliptor to silence him and gain more power, setting up Astronema's revelation to gain her high-rank position, and destroying Dark Spector so he can be the next big boss.
  • > @vgiannell5 said:
    > Is Evox's origin similar to the Venjix Virus?

    @vgiannell5 you better hold on as Beast Morphers will reveal Evox's secret origin soon. I sadly was a bit spoiled on that bit thanks to the countless and endless amounts of spoilers popping up. I assure you though, the origin is going to be unexpected and something you won't see coming.
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