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Power Rangers Dino Charge



  • The most obvious mistake is the storyline of each season.
  • @zeoranger5 or lack thereof in the case of megaforce and super megaforce.
  • That's true, @PoisonLotus. Saban did very good when he first started the series. Disney did a decent job during the time they had control of the series.
  • edited October 2015
    Saban hasn't exactly had a chance to make Power Rangers in almost 10 years. He's rusty, but he seems to be slowly getting his abilities back. Megaforce/Super Megaforce is turning out better than Samurai/Super Samurai.
    If Saban didn't buy the show back and continue its legacy, the last thing we'd see is all the cities that past Power Rangers fought to protect completely decimated by Venjix forces. That's not an entirely happy ending for Power Rangers.
    I'm quite glad we got more seasons, even if there are mistakes. The things I don't like seeing with these seasons is that they're only 22 episodes long, the teams have to have 2 seasons, they're rushed so we don't see much development or get time to get used to something, etc. Samurai and Megaforce could have turned out better if you eliminate those factors, and of course thrown in better writers.
    Maybe there will be much improvement by the time we get to Dino Charge.
  • edited February 2015

    I know which Ranger colour with first appearance is was

    Red, Pink, Blue, Green and Black Rangers in Power Rangers Dino Charge


    But I sure another Rangers colours will be first appearance in Power Rangers Dino Charge of this pictures?

  • image

    I not sure sure which suit Rangers will be appearance in Power Rangers Dino Charge
  • edited March 2015
    Is that possible Sledge's space was travel to future 2015 from past in Dinosaur at 65 million years ago?

    But one thing is that possible Koda Dino Charge Blue Ranger, Keeper and Fury was frozen with ice from in 65 million years ago to future in 2015?

    so is that possible what happen to him from past?
  • Saban hasn't exactly had a chance to make Power Rangers in almost 10 years. He's rusty, but he seems to be slowly getting his abilities back. Megaforce/Super Megaforce is turning out better than Samurai/Super Samurai.
    If Saban didn't buy the show back and continue its legacy, the last thing we'd see is all the cities that past Power Rangers fought to protect completely decimated by Venjix forces. That's not an entirely happy ending for Power Rangers.
    I'm quite glad we got more seasons, even if there are mistakes. The things I don't like seeing with these seasons is that they're only 22 episodes long, the teams have to have 2 seasons, they're rushed so we don't see much development or get time to get used to something, etc. Samurai and Megaforce could have turned out better if you eliminate those factors, and of course thrown in better writers.
    Maybe there will be much improvement by the time we get to Dino Charge.
    I told you guys there'd be improvement.
  • edited March 2017

    When Keeper (future) sent to past with Dino Charge Rangers in Sixty-five million years ago and meet Keeper (past) then after Sledge dead and destroyed his spaceship in Sixty-five million years ago.

    When Keeper (past) sent back to future with Dino Charge Rangers and then Dino Super Charge Rangers arrived future and no Sledge in future because he already dead in Sixty-five million years ago.

    But I am wandering if that future is changed and no old Power Rangers old Villains on Earth with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers to Power Rangers Super Megaforce and Evil Space Aliens to The Armada in future?
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