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  • But the topic isn't season with the best mentors, it's best mentor. Even rangers from the same season were separated in the other voting games.
  • So she could kidnap people from Earth, or so Tommy could come to her base when he was the evil green ranger.
  • Ashley (yellow turbo 2 (in space yellow) (6) +1 Maya (yellow lost galaxy) (19) Kira (yellow dinothunder) (34) -2 Eliminated: 17th: Emily (samurai Yellow) 16th: Tideus (yellow alien ranger) 15th: Ronny (Yellow overdrive) 14th: Chip (yellow mystic f…
  • Ashley (yellow turbo 2 (in space yellow) (9) -2 Maya (yellow lost galaxy) (18) +1 Kira (yellow dinothunder) (34) Eliminated: 17th: Emily (samurai Yellow) 16th: Tideus (yellow alien ranger) 15th: Ronny (Yellow overdrive) 14th: Chip (yellow mystic f…
  • He could have learned about them anytime during his Ranger days. Zordon might have mentioned them, or there was a record somewhere in the command center. Really not hard to imagine that he would have access to that sort of information.
  • Ashley (yellow turbo 2 (in space yellow) (13) -2 Maya (yellow lost galaxy) (15) +1 Kira (yellow dinothunder) (36) Eliminated: 17th: Emily (samurai Yellow) 16th: Tideus (yellow alien ranger) 15th: Ronny (Yellow overdrive) 14th: Chip (yellow mystic…
  • Zack (MMPR Black) (15) -2 Adam (MMPR Black and Zeo Green and Turbo Green Part1) (50) Damon (Lost Galaxy Green) (10) +1 Eliminated: 18th: Danny (Wildforce Black) 17th: Will (Operation Overdrive Black) 16th: Corcus (MMAR Black) 15th: Tommy (MMPR …
  • How does the scoring work? and why are Udonna and Daggeron grouped together? Very different people there. Decka/Alpha 6 doesn't bother me so much.
  • Ashley (yellow turbo 2 (in space yellow) (14) -2 Maya (yellow lost galaxy) (22) +1 Kira (yellow dinothunder) (34) Eliminated: 17th: Emily (samurai Yellow) 16th: Tideus (yellow alien ranger) 15th: Ronny (Yellow overdrive) 14th: Chip (yellow mystic …
  • Zack (MMPR Black) (17) Adam (MMPR Black and Zeo Green and Turbo Green Part1) (47) Damon (Lost Galaxy Green) (7) Dillon (RPM Black) (5) +1 Ziggy (RPM Green) (5) -2 Eliminated: 18th: Danny (Wildforce Black) 17th: Will (Operation Overdrive Black) 16…
  • Zack (MMPR Black) (17) Adam (MMPR Black and Zeo Green and Turbo Green Part1) (44) Damon (Lost Galaxy Green) (6) Dillon (RPM Black) (8) +1 Ziggy (RPM Green) (13) -2 Eliminated: 18th: Danny (Wildforce Black) 17th: Will (Operation Overdrive Black) 1…
  • First names don't give too much away, but it is still pretty careless.
  • Ashley (yellow turbo 2 (in space yellow) (19) -2 Maya (yellow lost galaxy) (24) +1 Kira (yellow dinothunder) (33) Eliminated: 17th: Emily (samurai Yellow) 16th: Tideus (yellow alien ranger) 15th: Ronny (Yellow overdrive) 14th: Chip (yellow mystic…
  • I don't know who Maya is, but maybe you could have one join temporarily, then have to leave due to some emergency or stay to protect some dimension/time.
  • MMPR Blue - Billy (26) -2 Space Blue - TJ (10) +1 Eliminated: 17th: Turbo blue - Justin 16th: O.O blue - Dax 15th: Samurai Blue - Kevin 14th: W.F. Blue - Max 13th: Jungle Blue - Theo 12th: MAPR: Blue - Cestro 11th: L.R. Blue - Chad 10th: Dino Blue…