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  • Well I think Samurai had the right idea in the beginning to make us remember the good old days when Saban had the series, but then they had a derp moment and just threw everything in a blender and aired what came out.
  • I will also play the original pokemon theme over xbox live and at work if I really want to try and get fired.
  • I think all of the series were.."cheesy" in their own little way. But I really think that with the popularity of Gokaiger, Go-Busters is getting a pretty raw deal, it's being measured against a season where we got to see some of our favori…
  • I'm betting they have to fight AkaRed for the treasure in the end. Something happens and he ends up possessed or something and they have to kill him. Well that did already happen with Joe and his teacher so I dunno if they can do that again.
  • I like Mega-Force, and don't give the series back to disney they already had their fun of raping it to near death. Actually, I say both of them get their hands slapped away and someone that ACTUALLY cares about the series takes over.
  • This is a suggestion for everybody: I've noticed that we have a few topics that are repeated. Like, Goseiger being the next season and what's it's called, for example. We already have a topic like that and there are some others that are repeated. I…
  • I will play the Mighty Morphing Power Rangers theme at work in order to make my co workers leave the area, and piss off some customers. I think it's funny to turn the radio on full blast and listen to "GO GO POWER RANGERS" loud enough for …
  • Are they really going to say "Let's Morphin" or did you add that as a joke to see if people were actually reading. If it's true I would rather them say "It's Morphing Time" and just parody or pay tribute to their Power Rangers co…
  • It'll probably be the end of the Zangyack and the restoration of peace on Earth until the next series begins. Or maybe it will be some kind of lesson like, "The journey is the reward". :/ Kind of a let down if that's all it is is some chee…
  • Probably hacks the limit of his powers like he did when he combined Red and Green Gokaiger keys and uses all of the ranger keys at once and takes out all of the Zangyack by himself. I think that would be an epic way to go out for a hero. But I like …
  • It would get better ratings if someone would offer better funding to get better actors and effects and writers:/. I think its pretty much a slope of, no funding=noratings=nofunding.
  • I wont say that Saban is bad,they just didn't do Samurai right, compare their older seasons to the disney seasons, and in my opinion Saban walks away with the win, even the best of the disney seasons really weren't super amazing in my opinion. But m…
  • Aye Ninja Storm was good but I don't think ending it there would have been a good idea,it was getting really popular so I doubt that they could let it go so easily. But I still think Saban is fcked up for just denying all of the disney seasons. Unle…
  • Lol, I doubt people got netflix just for samurai :/.
  • I had high hopes for Mystic Force being a Power Ranger series, most of the series before hand were really good, but I dunno what they did wrong with it, maybe they didn't put any effort in it and thought they'd skate through with existing fans.