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  • I gotta go with turbo. MMPR is a little simple to me, zeo was pretty good too though. I like Space's but it was simple also, as far as choreography goes. As far as effects go (after the choreography) I really like Lightspeed Rescue's my current leas…
  • I used to pretend it was Skull, as ridiculous as it would be.
  • It seems to me they would at least release MMPR to see how well they could profit from this. Haim Saban is a businessman, I don't know what he's waiting for. But personally I would want tons of bonus features: commentaries, a reunion sort of thing m…
  • I started watching from the beginning. My favorite season is Power Rangers in Space but MMPR will always be the most memorable/nostalgic for me.
  • I'm not really feeling WIld Force so far. I like the suits and the zords (once it's together and no more crap CGI) but that's about it. However, since I'm only about 10 episodes in I can't really make that call. Judging on only the season's I've com…
  • It's kind of hard for me to decide. I hate how the original didn't follow the continuity of the show, but ultimately I find it to be more entertaining than the Turbo movie. It has great music, imo (although most would disagree) the effects were good…
  • Justin was kind of annoying I guess but I've grown to really like Blake Foster from the panels I've seen him in. I think with everything going on it would have been next to impossible to convince him to continue on, and I can't say that I blame him.…