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Billy as blue turbo rangerr?



  • That's because JDF and ASJ strongly dislike eachother :P
    After watching panels/interviews from the two of them, I actually think its JDF that hates ASJ, and ASJ is done with the whole thing and has moved on. I mean at the first PMC, ASJ had nothing but good things to say about JDF, and whenever ASJ is brought up, JDF keeps going on and on about things that happened in the past, talking badly about him.

    (Man, using all those initials started to get confusing. lol)
  • billy would have been better. justin was bad
  • billy would have been better. justin was bad
    justin was not that bad at least he had a storyline

  • justin was not that bad at least he had a storyline
    Yeah, a bad storyline
  • u just hate him cuz ur jealous that he was a power ranger at 12
  • edited January 2012
    Uh, no. I don't hate him. I honestly could care less how old he was or the fact that he was on Power Rangers. His storyline just sucked plain and simple. More power to Blake Foster doing what he loved and getting a part in his favorite show. But, the writers could've done a better job with his character. They only brought Justin on to try and increase ratings with the kids and that still didn't help.
  • i never said i hate him. i just didn't think he was a very good actor. he messed up his line in one of the episodes. He meant to say what happened to storm blaster but he said mountain blaster. so yeah, he wasn't a very good actor. Plus his voice acting was kind of annoying.
  • It was mostly his voice and behaviors, typical for a kid sure, but compared to the rest of the team he was just annoying
    Strangely I didn't mind him in the In Space episode
  • I know this has nothing to do with Billy as the Blue Turbo Ranger, but if you go to the five minute mark David Yost talks about his time on PR and how he wanted to commit suicide:
  • Poor David... Billy was my favoirite ranger...
  • I do think it would have been cool if a previous character came back to become the Blue Turbo Ranger. While I'm not a big fan of Justin, I don't exactly hate the character. I just hated the idea of it since they made him a child prodigy like Billy was but they never really did anything with it in terms of the Rangers. Billy actually made stuff to help the team like the Communicators. What did Justin did for the team? Not much. All that was even remotely worthy is the tracker that he invented in "Shadow Rangers" yet that was just a 1-ep tool. Dimitria and Alpha 6 created any of the extra stuff that was needed to comply with Carranger footage.
  • my theory is that billy created the turbo powers which is why he was always gone during the Gold Ranger Series before they discovered it was Trey & thought it was billy haha. those powers just didnt come out of no where!
  • Well, in the movie they created the powers themselves. If he leave the show where he did, I'm assuming they would've used that plot in the movie and at least have him either explaining that or mention it.
  • edited January 2012
    Actually it was never said when or who created the powers. Zordon just stated something about the zords during the part in which the 4 Rangers were creating their zords.
  • Yes, but when they create the zords/cars, that in turn is creating the powers as the powers are linked to the cars. Which is why Justin had his turbo morpher in True Blue to the Rescue
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