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Psycho Rangers as Team-Up villains

edited January 2012 in General Discussion
We all know that the Pscyho Rangers were mutant robots whose only purpose and obsession was "the destruction of the POWER RANGERS". They were beaten twice in PRIS and destroyed in PRLG, but imagine if they were the villains for all Power Rangers. Imagine that they were the 1st evil rangers ever created and kept returning every season for the team-up episode. Every team of Power Rangers would meet their evil match and have the current season's rangers team up with the previous team. Those would be great team-up episodes. What do you think?


  • My guess is it would get old over time. I did love the Psycho Rangers though
  • they pretty much did something similar every season. by making either shadow rangers or clones of the rangers. they made the shadow rangers in that one turbo episode before this, and they did it again in wild force. by making the rangers shadows evil. but yeah it has been adapted differently in a lot of the seasons.
  • The Psycho Rangers were more durable than other evil rangers. Each evil ranger was eventually destroy in the same episode the were introduced. The only evil rangers that were worth creating was the Psycho Rangers and the evil White Ranger clone from PRDT
  • cool idea psycho rangers as team up villains
  • edited January 2012
    Anyone ever think that the reason Deviot referred to them as his "friends" is because he might have been the one who created them? Think about it. He's an expert on cybernetics (which was proven when he turned the 3 lost Galactabeasts into robots and when he constructed the device that released the Psycho Rangers from the Data Cards) and the Psycho Rangers are robots with monster forms. Plus they are equally evil and devious. He could have been hired by Astronema to build them and when he finished he was given his payment and left to find other people to do business with. Here's a video that would help make sense of it
  • It's possible man, I always loved the Psycho Rangers, it would be awesome if Saban found a way to bring them back, mainly for the Goseiger adaption, since they will have Red, Blue, Yellow, Black and Pink just like In Space. And Goseiknight is pretty much silver. Since it's an anniversary season, Saban should bring them back as villians. I agree with you PRThunder, Deviot could of created the Psycho Rangers, how else would he know about them, right? Well, know so much about them anyway. But if Deviot made them, why would he need to force them to follow orders? Shouldn't it be in their programing to obey Deviot? Deviot is smart enough to know that, that's why he created the things on the arms that shocked them whenever they disobeyed.
  • They were programmed to obey Astronema, but they disobeyed her and after freeing themselves from being ghosts they attacked Ecliptor. Nobody can control the Psycho Rangers. They are too powerful to be controlled.
  • True, very true. They'd be good as main villians, I think.
  • edited January 2012
    The Psycho Rangers would be more like the 10 Terrors. They would fight the rangers themselves. The 10 Terrors were only as good as the amount that were still alive. The Psycho Rangers would be very evil main villains, but they wouldn't last very long since there are only 5 of them and the Rangers would want them destroyed as fast as they can destroy them. Since we're on the subject of them as Team-Up villains, then imagine the Psycho Rangers with Mesogog.
  • Whoa, I don't even want to think about them with Mesogog, lol. They'd also be good movie villians too, Power Rangers Mega Force: Return of the Psycho Rangers. DUN DUN DUN! lol
  • Why don't u wanna "think about them with Mesogog"? Is it too perfect or too evil? >:)
  • Why don't u wanna "think about them with Mesogog"? Is it too perfect or too evil? >:)
    too perfect

  • I think it would be pretty cool.
  • BOTH! TOO EVIL AND TOO PERFECT! Haha You gave me some inspiration, I think I'm going to write them into my CyberNet fanfic.
  • actually, I'm going to make my own type of Psycho Rangers, Net Hunters, they hunt down Net Beasts, and they are the polar opposets of the CyberNet Rangers, who use the Net Beasts to save the world from Lord Bone and his Zombie Virus.
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