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What is Your Favorite Season?



  • she doesn't...

    and since hes not in the halloween episode where all the defeated nighlock have gone, I guess we can take it as hes coming back
  • You think she doesn't. But in the show she could find out. I mean, Party Monsters, technically isn't in continuty. And she, obviously, knew the whole time that Dekker was part human. She may have been around when he and Jayden were fighting. We just don't know for sure
  • Hmm, I thought she knew... wow I'm now imagining things, just great. Im just hoping that the crossover isnt a massive flop either, I'm actually looking forward to that.
  • I'm not really only because most cross over episodes were never executed well for me. And I thought the whole RPM group would be back. And from pictures of it, it looks like the Red RPM Ranger is just going to be in his suit the whole time. If that's the case, then they most likely didn't even get Eka to do the voice for it.

    But, you can tell by Alex's hair cut that this special was filmed near the back end of season two and is premiering now
  • Yh, I read that on a couple of forums that cause the Venjix virus went in to the red rangers morpher that its only him coming back, and Im guessing you right about him not even voicing it cause I googled it yesterday and I saw pictures when everyone wasn't morphed but he was.
  • Well, yeah, that much is obvious because of the japanese version. but, I hoped they made it more original and had everyone there
  • Oh, I never really got into watching the Senti Rangers so I wouldn't know.
  • I didn't either. But, when i heard about the RPM/Samurai crossover, I decided to watch it to see what it was like. Plus, I always loved anime so watching things in Japanese didn't really bother me
  • I like watching animes to, but i just never got into the senti rangers because it was live action
  • There's no difference between that and Power Rangers.

    I don't think Lightspeed Rescue gets a lot of the recognition it deserves. I like how it has the idea of normal human beings with jobs that help them with being a power ranger
  • No there isnt really, I may go back and revisit some of the Senti series now that Im older and am more tolerable of things.

    I loved lightspeed, it was an awesome series but your right about it not getting the recognition it deserves.
  • edited November 2011
    A lot of people say that with Ninja Storm. And i do like it, but it's not one of my favorites. I did like the idea of the ninja academy though, that was cool. Their main villain was stupid though
  • With Ninja Storm, I felt it got a bit repetative at times, and the there were three types of ranger outfits, which made it look like a mismatched team. The concepts were good, ut just could have been done better
  • I thought the Crimson and Navy Ranger outfits were good. And not every season has to be matched. I mean, Tommy's white ranger outfit (at first) looked like it didn't fit. And I mean, none of the team ups fit together either so...
  • Yh I liked their outfits, and Tommy was the leader so I guessed having a different outfit didnt really matter. It was just that they had 3 different outfits is probably what made me think that it was a mismatched team.
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