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Previous Super Sentai teams converted to Power Rangers?



  • I know what happened. She died and was replaced. Just like in PRLG. They can always find a way to change it. Or they could have her die and then be revived like in PRLG and PROO.
  • found this online technically it's pre zyuranger

  • That's what I'm talkin about
  • On 1 side of the coin, it's an interesting idea and concept to use pre-Zyuranger seasons however on the other side of the coin, it wouldn't really be possible.
    It's highly doubtful they would even have any of the monster suits from back then left.

    Not to mention any zord suits that they would have had left, they likely wouldn't be usuable so that creates the problem of them using all Sentai footage which means bad video quality and they would likely have to go with the option of a bad editing job. But they haven't done much original zord footage in ages so not having the zord suits wouldn't be a big deal.
  • Good points there Matt Emily, but I'm saying "Which previous Sentai teams would be good for converting into Power Rangers (minus the whole situation with getting suits and footage)". There must be a team that you guys think would have made a great Ranger season.
  • Ah I see. I think Jetman would lend itself pretty well. Because of the weapons and the zords.
  • Saban would make so much money and get even more fans by showing a season that goes back to all the other ones. I can imagine that they would film some of there own footage to make up the difference of missing the seasons before zyuranger. They are even supposed to film there own 199 battle opening scene for power rangers.
    Again, it wouldn't work. If they were to film some of their own footage, the difference in video quality between the new footage and the old footage would be incredibly obvious and extremely jarring to the point of being unusable. Face it, it won't happen.

  • @Coreymon77 don't you have imagination?
  • edited July 2012
    Does anyone else have a Sentai team they would love to see get turned into Power Rangers? As I said in the past. would love to see Flashman become Power Rangers. I even created a Black Ranger and a female Red Ranger for fun image imageImage and video hosting by TinyPic" /> imageImage and video hosting by TinyPic" />
  • This would be ridiculous, the difference between Zyuranger footage and MMPR was bad, it's same for a few seasons after you can spot the difference between American and sentai footage albeit not that bad but still not brilliant.

    but can you imagine now with everything HD and what not, using pre Zyu footage it would look stupid, even a dumb 3 year old kid would likely notice the difference plus the costumes back then generally look really bad.

    It's a big No and unless the older Sentai's where remade in Super Sentai for PR to adapt it over here, it's silly to suggest it
  • But they could do what they did with PRLG and what they are doing with PRM (Megaforce). They could create an original plot, use the costumes from the Japanese version, and create and brand new season
  • But they could do what they did with PRLG and what they are doing with PRM (Megaforce). They could create an original plot, use the costumes from the Japanese version, and create and brand new season
    so are you suggesting they don't use any of the sentai footage at all?

    if they did that then why bother using costumes from pre-Zyu and just design their own
  • No, he's saying that they'd have an original story and stick the japanese footage in for fight scenes a la MMPR.

    But, like I said earlier, the contrast between the HD footage (when they need to do American scenes) and the SD footage pre-zyuranger, would be too noticeable and would look tacky.
  • I agree, they might as well just keep with the recent ones.
  • There is one slightly possible way (this is hypothetical) to use the old suits what about taking the gokaigher ver. of the suits and just shoot american footage since gokaiger is newer that idea might work (zord/mecha issue aside)
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