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Funniest Power Ranger scenes



  • Agreed NightMere10,

    Almost any time Zordon laughs in the show, it either comes out sinister or creepy
  • I know, and this just put it over the edge if you ask me
  • a lot of the things zordon did in season one kinda creeped me out LOL
  • I didn't get to watch most of MMPR
  • how can you watch power rangers without watching MMPR?
  • You need to take into consideration that Power Rangers came on when people were at all different ages. For those people who didn't hear about Power Rangers until like, Time Force came on, then that'll be the first season to them unless they're show MMPR. It's not an uncommon thing. Just because you saw it doesn't mean absolutely everyone did. I know some people who are big fans of PR that have never seen an episode of MMPR. That's the problem with the fandom,everyone assumes everyone's seen MMPR, and then they feel like MMPR is God and people HAVE to watch it, when they don't.
  • well if they are big fans of power rangers, there are ways to see them now. such as netflix or right here @ prp. so whats stopping them? lol
  • I'm not saying they don't have a way to watch it, I'm just saying that so many people think that just because people are PR fans that they HAVE to watch MMPR when they don't. So, it's possible for people to see other seasons and not have seen that many or any MMPR episodes.

    Back on topic:

    They need to have more of these. I was hoping they'd do them at the end of each episode in Samurai. Everyone loves bloopers:

  • trip was one of my personal favorites. he was hilarious haha
  • I liked Trip's personality and I thought it was cool that his hair was green
  • Hahaha. Trip was definitely a good ranger. BTW some people may not no it, but he was not a human. He was an alien like Tyzonn, but he wasn't from Mercuria, he was from Xyria.
  • If they watched the show they'd know
  • yes. trip is not a human, hes a zybrian or somethin like that. there crystals on there heads allow them to see visions from the future.
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