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Power Rangers Super Samurai: Official Discussion



  • Further explanation on Mia's last name/City name from Fury Diamond
    Spoke again with my sources and they are both merely props...nothing more. Often the props (art) team make up random names for these props if they are not written in story. You can look at the map closely, you will notice the word "City" used for street names and locations.

    The fandom is always keen on information so if fans want to believe that the city name is "Panorama City" and Mia's last name is "Watanabe" then so be it. I'm sure that this isn't the first time in Power Rangers history where information came from props rather than the actual writing. As mentioned before, my hat goes off to the props team for incorporating any information.
  • I hope Emily goes Super next. She's the only ranger who hasn't used the Black Box yet.

    And I'm still a little worried about Serrator's intentions. Especially with Dayu and Deker working for him.
  • It's pretty much a given that she's going Super next. Hell, the episode is focused on her, it's 10 episodes in, and she's the only one who hasn't done it yet. Plus, given the Shinkenger episode this is based off of, it's going to happen. I just wonder if she'll go into Shogun Mode as well.
  • We're still getting episodes in May. Not sure when a hiatus is coming, but I'm waiting for it.
    And the wait for the hiatus continues! We're into May now. confirms that 'Trust Me' will air on May 5. I still suspect that the hiatus will begin after 'The Master Returns', but we'll now be on an official week-by-week "hiatus watch".
  • Emily just went super samurai! it was pretty epic.
  • It would've been better if she went Shogun though.
  • Definitely but they likely couldn't find a place for it considering her zord wasn't in the Gigazord configuration during its Finisher. It's disappointing but oh well.
  • That's a good point. I thought it was odd that the Gigazord could still be there when Emily had disassembled the Ape Zord from it. I was under the impression that you needed all 12 zords to be able to create it.

    I wonder though. Emily kinda/sorta promised Bulk and Spike another lesson. I wonder if this leads into the Shinken Brown thing.
  • Yeah, it's definitely strange that it was still in the Gigazord configuration even though Emily detached her Apezord but I guess since her zord is just in Foldingzord Mode, it doesn't make a difference with the Foldingzords if they're just in that mode.

    I do wonder about that lesson thing as well. I definitely found myself cracking up at her being a Drill Sergeant though.
  • I didn't watch the sentai version of super samurai, so please explain to me what Shinken brown is?
  • I just saw today's episode and it reminded me of Season 3 when one of Rita and Lord Zedd's monsters went inside Tommy's stomach and causes him to eat non-stop.

    Plus, not only did Emily learn how to be tough, but she was also able to go Super as well.
  • dubby the sentai version of samurai and super samurai are the same sentai series.
  • that's not what he meant and you didn't answer his question, i'm not sure what episode it is but you could probably find a clip on youtube.
  • @kyfm: What he meant by that was that he hasn't seen any Shinkenger episodes. That's all. I'm sure by now Dubby knows all about Sentai and how it's pretty much just split into "Two season" for Samurai/Super Samurai.

    And @EAGLE_1 is right, there's a clip on youtube:

  • No Crap KYFM, what do you think i am stupid or something? I've watched sentai, just not Shinkenger. Thanks Nightmere.
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