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Power Rangers mistake that reveals their identities

edited June 2012 in General Discussion
One of the 3 Power Rangers rules is "Noone must know your identity" A few Power Rangers teams have made mistakes that could have given away their identity. The people that were near the Rangers when their names were said out loud probably had hearing problem because the people who watch the show can notice this mistake. There were times where the Power Rangers real names were said in front civilians. A good example would be in MMPR Season 2 "Welcome to Venus Island". Tommy rescues the little girl that he and the Rangers were at the beach with earlier in the episode. Once he gets her out of containment one of the Rangers says "Good job Tommy" when the little girl was right there. Another example would be in PRS "There Goes The Brides" when the Rangers reveal their secret plan to Dayu and free the brides. Emily says "Two Samurai Ranger Brides are twice as nice don't you think?" eve though there is a bunch of civilian brides standing right behind her. Can anyone tell me how many seasons have made that kind of mistake?


  • The rule of civilians not knowing who the PR's are was only existent in Zordan-Era.

    PRLSR, PRSPD, PRRPM are 3 examples were a lot of people know who the rangers are. (i actually might be wrong here so feel free to shut me up with evidence)
  • False... That rule only existed when Zordon was the head man.
    You're Right Ranger91
    Most seasons tried to Hide there identities but people ended up knowing who they were after awhile. Even the Space rangers revealed their Identities in Countdown To Destruction.
  • edited April 2013
    I don't mean like what you guys are doing. What I'm talking about is more like a blooper of sorts. In PRIS they chose to reveal their identities when it was necessary and in PRLR, PRSPD, PROO and PRRPM they allowed the world to know who they were, so those don't count. I mean like mistakes like accidentally saying their real names out loud when they weren't supposed to reveal it. BTW the rule may have been during the Zordon Era, but there were many teams who followed that rule like PRLG, PRTF, PRWF, PRNS, PRDT, PRMF, and PRJF.
  • what pissed me off about ninja storm is they were trying to keep their identities secret but THEY WORE THEIR FREAKING MORPHERS OUT IN PUBLIC!!!!!!!
  • Eagle_1 they did that in most seasons in Disney, and please, watch your language.
  • well lets see in dino thunder they had those braclets, morphers were hidden, spd doesn't count, mystic force people just thought they were cell phones, operation overdrive doesn't count, and in jungle fury their morphers were also hidden so yeah and by the way I was watching my language.
  • "Pissed" and "Freaking" are ok to use, Dubby.
  • I don't mind the word "Freaking" its the other word I mind.
    But I can see where that would tick someone off because in Ninja Storm they were suppose to keep their Identities a secret even though they wore their morphers on their wrists all the time.
  • yeah and the're ninjas so it really makes the rangers look stupid
  • What about Dino Thunder. The Dino Rangers including Tommy wore their morphers on their wrists all the time too. Even at Reefside High School.
  • No Vgiannel5, they had bracelets so no one ever saw there morphers.
    The only time a ranger showed who he was to a civilian was in the comic book episode, Trent was desperate and couldn't find another way for the Comic book writer to believe him that his friends were trapped in the comic book so he morphed in front him.
  • It's kind of amazing tht many people have seen the Rangers in civilian forms and the odd looking things on their wrists (morphers) didn't give anyone a clue that these guys might be the Power Rangers. In PRLR's teamup, a little girl figured it out.
  • Indeed @PRThunder but with Lightspeed Rescue, it didn't matter. The only ones that wore Morphers on their wrists that I recall are Galaxy, Lightspeed, Time Force and Ninja Storm.
  • Here is a list of morphers and where they are seen.


    Cell-phone Morphers: PRWF, PRMF, PRRPM, PRS/PRSS

    Sunglass Morpher: PRJF

  • I don't believe Zeo and Turbo wore their Morphers however. They were 'summoned' to them. We only saw them with their Communicators.
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