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Power Rangers mistake that reveals their identities



  • The only time you saw the space, and lost galaxy morphers was when they were on mission. And half the time when the space rangers weren't on earth, they had wrist communicators instead of wearing their morphers. In Lost Galaxy most of the time they kept their morphers in their pockets and wore them during missions.
  • I remember in Wild Force when Alyssa was fighting the Samurai Org, her father recognized the fighting pose she performed and when Danny fought against the Wedding Dress Org, his love rival Kendall saw him morph while he was hiding.
  • I forgot about those two episodes Vgiannell5. Nice find ;)
  • edited July 2012
    I noticed a few times that a few of the Rangers didn't bother to check if anyone was around before they morphed. They would just morph right away and someone could have been nearby
  • My favorite part was when they morphed in an open all way and there was clearly people who just walked out. Lol
  • They should be more careful
  • I couldn't help but notice how in time force the rangers wanna dress more modern so no one will suspect that they are time force officers and rangers. But the thing about them is that they were their morphers around the wrists at all times. I mean seriously, what's the point of dressing more modern if you are gonna just wear that fancy morpher around your wrist all day? It's the same thing the rangers when they're morphed were. You'd think people would catch on that that guy or girl might actually be a power ranger. If only bulk and Skull were in this season, they would have figured out who the rangers where in like the first few episodes. XD
  • edited July 2012
    That's true. Skull's son Spyke (or Spike) was able to know there was a Ranger close by when he heard Mike say "Samurizer" For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, watch Power Rangers Samurai "Forest for the Trees"
  • tbh unless your really up close with a ranger you wouldn't realize what they are wearing from a distance i'd assume it was a watch or something... logical response (well actually if i did see someone like that in real life i'd know they were a ranger!)

    and think the T.F rangers pulled their sleeves over the morphers most the time... unless someone can prove me wrong?
  • About the only that didn't was Wes and Eric because everyone knew they were Time Force rangers because Wes's helmet got blown up and they were able to see his face, and Eric blurted out that he was the Quantum Ranger purposely to gain Leader of the Silver Guardians rank. But he was still a kick butt 6th Ranger and will always be one of my favorites.
  • Well, after Wes was revealed, it wasn't exactly hard for his father and the silver guardians to figure out who the other rangers were.
  • That's very true. But they didn't know they were from the future, the only one who knew they were from the Future was Wes and Eric. I thought it was cool that Eric kept that a secret, I believe it was Wes that told his dad where the other rangers came from.
  • @Dubby You're right. Wes revealed that they were from the future so he could explain why he needed him too stop researching the Trizyrium Crystals
  • Yeah i like that about the story between Wes and his dad and then how he came to eventually trusting his dad enough to tell him about his rangers
  • I don't know why Power Rangers insists on making all rich people greedy jerk faces. There are nice rich people too.
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